“I often tell people I’m “all in” for Alaska. I am motivated and ready to continue putting everything I have into being an effective and trustworthy representative of House District 35.”


Ashley is All In for Alaska

West Fairbanks deserves to have a leader who is thinking about the long-term future of our community, and there is nothing I love more than Alaska and working towards that thriving future. Being all in for Alaska means keeping the overall vision in mind. Our state faces a major economic crisis that will harm our state’s prosperity in the immediate and long-term future if left unresolved. How we act now will determine the future of our children and grandchildren. We have truly reached a pivotal moment where we can choose to lay the groundwork for a bright future, or we can fumble our opportunities in favor of short-term gains. Our state needs predictable and stable funding for services, preservation of the Permanent Fund as our greatest financial asset, and a commitment by our elected officials to see past partisan lines and find common ground.

I will continue to be an extremely dedicated and thoughtful public servant elevating the voices of the community in Juneau. I am experienced at working alongside my colleagues across party lines, forming partnerships, and getting work done in our state Capitol.

Re-electing me as your Representative means sending a well-respected and knowledgeable professional back to Juneau. It also means choosing a Representative who will continue to actively listen to the needs and concerns of the people of our district. I am young, motivated, hardworking, flexible, and dynamic. I will take these attributes with me and continue to use them to lead eagerly, but not naïvely. The combination of my youth and my experience will continue to be an asset to our House District 35.

Perhaps my most important attribute is my willingness to listen and my openness to perspectives other than my own. Valuing active listening and thoughtful decision-making lays a foundation upon which my platform is built and allows me to recognize how much more I can learn from our community.

My campaign is built on three main platform goals: Providing for the economic future of Alaska, preserving education and higher education opportunities, and protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of Alaskans. Each of my platform goals has multiple objectives that I will continue to pour my heart into once re-elected.